Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In the stupid name of Charity?!

Cmon...stop giving charity such a bad reflection on your service. Some said...Miracle 08 was a pure failure while others thought that it had nothing to do with charity..but a publicity stint by the management.

If you ask me, I say that Fitness First has hit this event right on target by having a charity event intertwined with what we fitness enthusiasts love - exercise!

And if there’s ever a way to get people interested in exercise - I can’t think of any better way than to have an open workout event smack in the middle of where we Malaysians just love to waste time - a shopping complex.

Fund-raising coupons are available at RM50 each at any Fitness First health club. If you need more information, head over to www.fitnessfirst.com.my.

This is the fun part, when you register..its mandatory to leave your cell number...where by an annoying sales agent will call you every other day. Whats more, you're encourage to dump your friend's name as well, their numbers, their privacy.

This is a trick, Miracle 08 was a gimmick in the name of charity. Move aside...Miracle 09 might beheading your way...it might not be called Miracle....Salvation 09 perhaps?

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